Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis
Family: Juglandaceae (Walnut)
Branching: Alternate
This is the probably most common hickory in southern Ontairo.
It has very
distinctive buds - naked, yellow, and powdery (beware: they can
sometimes look similar to
Poison Ivy!!!!). Witch-hazel probably has the most
similar-looking buds, but the leaf scars and growth form will help
separate them. When mature Bitternut Hickories are not as
distinctive, but the
bark always looks worn.

Bitternut Hickory end bud.

Closeup of the end bud

Another view of the end bud

Lateral bud. Hickories as a group have very similar leaf scars.

Another view of the lateral bud. There are often two lateral buds above a leaf scar

Young bark

Young bark develops vertical "stripes". This is typical of most young hickories.

Middle-aged bark

Older bark

The shells of Bitternut Hickory nuts are thinner than other hickories.
The one on the right is an actual nut.
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