Bunchberry Cornus canadensis
Family: Cornaceae (Dogwood)
Branching: Opposite/Whorled (semi-evergreen)
This very small shrub is not common
in southern Ontario, though it is very widespread and abundant in more
northerly climates (including farther south in the mountains). It is a small plant, just a couple inches high, usually a
single stem and about four leaves radiating out of the top.
Though technically deciduous, it is semi-evergreen and
discoloured or purplish leaves can often be seen in the winter, when
not covered by snow. It looks most similar to Wintergreen,
though Wintergreen leaves retain more of their vibrant green colour all
winter, there are more likely to be leaves of slightly different sizes
on the same plant, the leaves are more leathery, and they lack the
distinctly parallel veins characteristic to all dogwood leaves.
Plus Wintergreen leaves have a distinctive "wintergreen" smell when
they are crushed.
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