Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa
Family: Fagaceae (Beech)
Branching: Alternate
Other names: Mossycup Oak
Bur Oak is in the White Oak group. It is quite common in
southern Ontario and often mature trees are found growing along the
edges of fields. In the winter, mature trees are very
conspicuous, especially when growing out in the open. They are
very large, with huge branches. As far as volume goes, they are
often the largest trees in the area. Young bark often has corky
ridges, but they are not always obvious. The other distinctive
feature is the acorns, which have a shaggy cap

Bur Oak end buds

Another view of and end bud. The "hairy" shoots off the top are quite common.

Lateral bud

Another view of the Bur Oak winter twig

Corky ridges beginning to form on a twig

Another view of the corky ridges

Mature bark becomes somewhat furrowed, but still slightly scaly

Another mature Bur Oak

The shaggy cap of a Bur Oak acorn

The distintive Bur Oak leaf, with one very deeply indented lobe in the middle.

A mature Bur Oak

A closer view of the bark of a mature Bur Oak
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© 2007 Josh Sayers
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