Cranberry Viburnum Viburnum trilobum
Family: Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle)
Branching: Opposite
Other names: Highbush Cranberry

Cranberry Viburnum is fairly common in southern Ontario but rarely occurs in high densities.  It is quite distinctive usually, with two-scaled buds that are reddish-green and smooth tan bark.  It usually grows as a multi-stemmed shrub but can grow to be much taller than a person.  Its berries stand out throughout the winter.  They are bright red and hang in clusters.  Apparently they don't taste good for most animals since they are usually present by the end of the winter.

Cranberry Viburnum winter twig.  The buds are distinctive.  Twigs are usually a light tan colour

Often they lack an end bud and have the dead remains of a twig instead.

Another view of the buds.  They are smooth and plump.

An older branch with a young sprout

The berries

Hanging clusters of fruit often make Cranberry Viburnum very obvious in the winter.

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