Hackberry Celtis occidentalis
Family: Ulmaceae (Elm)
Branching: Alternate
This is a member
of the Elm family and shares its characteristic branching (this year's
twigs branch of in a horizontal plane from last year's branch. It
is very obvious from the ground in the winter). Hackberry is one
of the few trees that has corky bark (Rock Elm, Bur Oak, and Black Ash
are some others). This is mainly evident when it is young.
Mature bark scales into plates. Hackberry also has a
chambered pith, though it is not always obvious.
Hackberry twig
Lateral bud
Another view of the winter twig
Hackberry has chambered pith, though it's not always obvious
The distinctive corky bark of Hackberry
As the bark ages, it peels into plate-like sections
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© 2007 Josh Sayers
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