Swamp Laurel Kalmia polifolia
Family: Ericaceae (Heath)
Branching: Opposite / Evergreen
Other names: Bog Laurel, Pale Laurel
This is a small shrub (about knee-high) that is often found in open,
wet areas such as bogs. Like many members of the family, it is
evergreen, though it's often covered by snow in the winter and
difficult to find. It is fairly distinctive from most other small
shrubs, though it looks remarkably like Bog Rosemary, which grows in
the same habitat (often side by side). At first glance, they can
look identical, but Swamp Laurel is opposite and typically has wider

Swamp Laurel branch

Another view of the opposite leaves. Notice the bend in the stalk

Another view of the leaves

A view of the leaves and leaf scar

A view of the main stem

Another view of the stem and leaf scars
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© 2007 Josh Sayers
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