European Filbert Corylus avellana
Family: Betualaceae (Birch)
Branching: Alternate
Other names: European Hazelnut
This is a relative of our own two native Hazelnuts: Beaked and American.
It is the source of commercial hazelnuts and attempts have been
made to cultivate it here. However, it is susceptible to disease,
so it hasn't really caught on locally and is less likely to be found as
an escapee. It resembles the Birches more than the other
Hazelnuts do, though it is certainly closer to American Hazelnut than

Winter twig of European Filbert (the buds are plumper than the native hazelnuts)

Another view of the winter twig

Another view of the winter twig

Lateral bud and leaf scar

End bud of European Filbert

Like other members of the Birch family, European Filbert has catkins

Bark of European Filbert
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© 2007 Josh Sayers
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